Wet, wet, wet......

After getting home at 3a.m after a great evening and much eating with our friends, we were on the road by 10 this morning for a New Year's Day walk. And come rain or come shine it was going to happen.

Come rain it did...constantly and soakingly! The group had dwindled wisely to six adults and four dogs. We soldiered on until it just didn't make sense any more. BUT..my beautiful new aubergine neoprene Hunters kept my feet warm though 'wet through to the skin' was the case for the rest of me!

Home for a wonderful HOT shower, the log fire lit and a very lazy afternoon and evening!

SO.... I post my 500th blip today! Though not consecutively and with some dates still to fill, and of late I have done more backblips than I would like and have been very bad with comments, I do enjoy this challenge and thank all the friends I have made here. (THAT'S a BAD sentence!)

The new term begins next week....let's see how time goes.

Happy New Year to you all!

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