
By jodiewidden

Happy new year!

This is how a mum looks when she's voluntarily had just two hours' sleep. Lying on the sofa, breastfeeding her baby while agreeing to everything the other two ask for (chocolate, computer time, you know the drill) just for five minutes' peace.
But the reason I only had two hours' sleep? Not because I was at a new year party, not because I was trailing from pub to pub, it was because I stayed up until 4am chatting with my husband, despite knowing I'd be up again with a hungry baby by 6am. And when you have someone in your life who understands you so well and is such flipping good company that you can stay up all night talking to them, when you have someone who is so awesome you'll sacrifice SLEEP to chat to them, it makes the tiredness wworthwhile. I'll be having an early night tonight, though!

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