Embroidery Machine Lessons!

Today was another whole day of training for me!

My first lesson on my embroidery machine was quite successful! I made a little tray cloth with a rosebud in the middle some leaves in the corner on the embroidery machine, and a cross stitch border and hem, made on my sewing machine.

On another piece of cloth, I tried, on my own, after I came home, to embroider a little sewing machine, and then, I discovered for myself, that the machine has a big variety of fonts, so I 'designed' my own name and embroidered it in red!

I am quite proud of myself tonight. I will play around a lot with it tomorrow, because on Wednesday, the manufacturers of the machines send us a lady from head office to give us training in some of the special features!

And then, the cherry on top, for me!!! Next week she will come from Head office again, to give me training on the Digitizer feature which R snr bought me as well, nobody in the local dealership can work that part of the machine, that is the part where you design your own patterns on your computer and transfer it to the machine!! I am really looking forward to that!!

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