Happy New Year!

2013 has been quite an eventful year which started with the early arrival of our lovely granddaughter Scarlett. Then in the summer we had an unexpected move back to England which was exciting, but also there was some trepidation as we were moving to a totally new area where we knew no-one. We left some very good friends behind in Belgium, but true friends will remain friends wherever they are :-)

Alan quickly settled into his new job and I joined various social groups. I've met some lovely people, some of which I can now call friends and which includes those of you that I met on blip. We love living near the sea and really feel settled here, and all in all I think it was a good move.

Today Lorraine & I have been into Brighton while we left the boys and Emily at home - it was pouring with rain, but we wanted to have a look at the sales and both came away with two bags full of bargains. Before we headed home we went to have a cheeky glass of wine to start the new year celebrations.

I decided that my last blip of this year should be of all of us - my original choice was of the four adults, but when I looked at my photos again I preferred this one of us all. I doubt I'll get to comment on your journals tonight, so we raise our glasses to you and wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!

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