Day 365: A Day To Recover

After the events of yesterday, I awoke with a thumping headache, I did question once or twice as to whether I was actually still alive. Fortunately my trusty Nurofen got me through the day. My Mum read yesterday's blip and felt inspired to comment via facebook, as you can tell, we're a classy family!

I also received a text from Mark, pictured above. I had forgotten about the man with a squint face. A strange man we encountered in the pub, he has all the makings of a super villian. Well I say all the makings, in reality he just had a squint face, I'm sure he's actually a very nice person. A very nice person with a squint face.

It was McCombers turn to go out to play today, she was meeting a chum for lunch. no drinking for her though as her arm injury is playing up so she's on a lot of pain killers. It was lonely being in the house with no one to play with, fortunately I kept myself busy with my favourite game, and read the manual for my ice cream machine. Tomorrow, i'm makin ice cream!

Exciting times!

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