Random Andom

By RandomAndom

Hobbit Corner

McCombers and I went to the cinema this afternoon. We decided to have a lighter meal for lunch before hand, so we ventured away from our spree book and headed to a cafe on the beachfront.

We decided on The Pavillion, we'd been in before but only for coffee or an ice cream.

The cafe was busy, and I spied a couple of specials on the chalkboard which sounded nice.

We took a table by the window, and squeezed into a rather crampt chair.
The tables and chairs seemed to be designed for much smaller people than me. I'm not a particularly large man, but if there were four of us on this table, we'd be really struggling to all for around it.

I then spotted the sign pictured above.

Which might help to explain the child like size of the table and chairs.

The waitress came over to take our order but McCombers asked the waitress if we could have a couple more minutes.
The waitress then rolled her eyes said "ok" and walked off with a look on her face like we just told her to go fuck herself.
Clearly this woman was having a bad day, either that or she is permanently a miserable cow.

We were quite tempted to leave at that point but time was limited so we decided to stay.

While McCombers was perusing the menu I noticed in the pot with the salt sachets in it, a dried in gravy stain. Clearly it had been there for several hours.

Hmmm lovely.

WARNING: The previous comment may have been sarcasm.

I went for the steak pie with chips and gravy, and McCombers went for sweet chilli chicken panini with chips, and we both had a diet coke.

The best thing I can say about my meal is that the pie was warm.

Not hot, but warm.
The chips weren't cooked properly either.
It was a real disappointment.

McCombers said her panini was "ok" but got a but sickly towards the end.

Throughout our meal our waitress never re appeared to check how our meal was, or to ask if we wanted another drink. Granted the cafe was busy but that's no excuse. I saw our waitress delivering food to another couple of tables and she had an equally unpleasant expression on her face while serving them.
So I guess it's good to know it wasn't just us.

As we got up to leave and pay our bill I spotted several tables with empty coffee cups and plates. Clearly these guys are missing a trick, clearing these dirty tables will mean that customer will order something else, or pay the bill and they can resell the table.

We asked for the bill and was shocked to discover it was £18:45
For a panini & chips, pie & chips and 2 diet cokes!
That's mental!!

Overall a real disappointment, miserable staff, below average food, bad service, and high prices.

Such a shame as its in a great location.

Probably the only thing it's got going for it really.

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