
By Hammy


Little did I realise in July on a beach in Cornwall that it would take me the rest of the year to finish the book I had just started reading*.

Thoroughly enjoyed it. Only down point for me was the end when Tolstoy waffled on about the Will of Man for about 11 chapters. I'm sure it's all very deep and meaningful but I wouldn't have minded just finishing the book with the characters being the last bit.

Now at a loss at what to read next! Been on a bit of a Russian theme as the previous book was Crime and Punishment, think I need something a bit lighter for my next read.

*I know War and Peace is long, would like to clarify I only read for a couple of hours a week which is why it has taken me so long to get through it, not through lack of enjoyment!

P.s. Have taken up nail painting following Sundays discovery of all my varnishes. Displaying a sparkly number for NYE. Happy 2014 everyone!

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