cardbird chronicles

By cardbird

Card party 1

I make handmade cards in my spare time, or full time sometimes as the case may be.
A few weeks ago I held a card party and invited along a few of my favourite little ones. It was a lot of fun. There were scraps over who was going to get the pritt stick next, sing songs, rounds of applause for every card made, buns (sugar, bad idea!), juice...
There were cards made for Mums, Dads, Grannys, dead Grannys, brothers, sisters, cats, dogs...
Sadhbh, aged 5 (pronounced Sive for the non-Irish blippers), who is sister of Connie, produced this for me at the end of the party... It was one of two cards she made throughout the whole party. (Connie was whipping them out quicker than a Gap production line!)

As you can imagine, I was chuffed beyond belief.

A budding fashionista if I ever saw one.

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