
By Sevan

Costa del Sol

Day 48
Distance: ~107 km, Top Speed: ?? kmph

With all scheduled meetups in Granada finished, what next? Morocco isn't that far, and Gibraltar's on the way. They both sound nice. Why not?

My speedometer stopped working again! This time, I didn't bother trying to fix it. From various sources, I've heard that the most important thing is the journey and not the destination. It would therefore seem that meticulously logging my speed and distance in an attempt to cover as much ground as possible is a meaningless task. This is a lesson I've "learned", but have come nowhere close to adequately applying.

I left Granada late, at about 1200, after having a farewell breakfast and saying goodbye to a handful of people. Quite a nice cycle, complete with a few hilly sections, two gloriously blue lakes, some vastly spreading farmland plateaus and an enormous man made gorge.

My gentle meanderings eventually lead me to a camp site in Torre del Mar on the Costa del Sol. Seeing the Alboran Sea marked my arrival at the southern coast, and an end to desert!

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