
By cowgirl

Breakfast fit for a cowgirl!

After a blissful, undisturbed nights sleep, I got up at 6.30 ( because that's when I woke up, dammit! ) to let the cats in as I could hear the wind and rain battering the windows and felt guilty!

Cats fed, I went back to bed and woke up 3 hours later, with a cat stretched out beside me.

Now I felt guilty that the guinea pigs were waiting for their breakfast, so got up and sorted them out. By the time they were fed and had a clean ' bedroom ', the wind had woken me up properly, so I abandoned the idea of staying in bed today. Plus, Sav had also got up by now and suggested we had boiled eggs for breakkie ...

The rest of the day, until the planned roast dinner tonight, has been spent sorting out our ' dilemmas'. The maestro has been working on his latest drawing and needs to figure out how to make the rivets that look white against a dark part of the plane actually look white. Not easy when your chosen medium is pencil.

Mine has been how to clear the snot out of my ear canals! Sorry, but that's the truth of it! Anyway, even if you are making sounds of revulsion, they will only come through as muffled tones to me!

Mmm, roast dinner ... Sometimes I think my life revolves around my next meal ....

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