Saturday Night Wedding

At 5 p.m. on Friday, my pastor called. "I've been meaning to call you. I have a couple that are getting married on Saturday, and they don't have a photographer. Do you think you could take a few pictures for them?"

"What time is the rehearsal?"

"It's in an 6 o'clock."

Whaddya say? I HATE the pressure of photographing weddings. I'd much rather stand on the sidelines, and try to throw rice down the cleavage of the brides dress. Also, I think there is a BIG difference between a guy that takes a lot of pictures...and a photographer who REALLY knows what he/she is doing. Lighting...lenses...and lack of equipment. You know what I'm talking about.

But...I said yes. Took about 300 at the rehearsal, and another 700 today. I got a few good ones, but again...I hate the pressure.

I picked out a shot where you can't see the couples faces, but if you put it in can see she has a couple of tattoos.

The couple asked me what my fee was, and I told them that I wanted to keep my amateur status. Sometimes there is a time to accept some money...but there are also times when it feels good to do a nice thing for complete strangers. This was one of those times.

Now...time to do some MAJOR editing.

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