Straight from the Horses Mouth

My Dad goes out for coffee practically every morning. He drinks his coffee, and works the puzzle page. My older sister thinks he drinks 6 cups a day, but I know he just has one cup in the morning.

Over the years, he has gone to a variety of places. McDonalds at the present, the grocery store where he used to work, and a local donut shop.

When he was going to Donutland, it was on my mail I saw him quite a bit. One day I asked him..."How come you never sit by our old buddy Dan?"

Dad answered..."He spits. He can't get through a sentence without spitting on you. I want to be as clean as the next guy...but that's not my idea of a shower. He's like a naughty llama."

I thought he was kidding, so one fine June day...I ordered a milk, and a nutty donut, and sat next to Dan. Dad was right. You would have thought Dan was in a cherry pit spitting contest. When I finally left, and delivered mail to the next business...the owner asked me if it was raining. SHEESH!

Perhaps it is the same way with horses. The white one I put on my Flickr page didn't have this mouth dressing.

Maybe this guy is just a slobberer. He can't eat or neigh without getting spit all over his muzzle. OR...maybe he just likes the cold rush of sticking his snout in the snow. OR...maybe he thinks it's attractive to the ladies.

Whatever the reason...he sure made for an interesting model.

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