Kefir bread
A couple of weeks ago I blipped my kefir culture, explaining how it produced a yeasty milk drink that could also be used for cooking.
I hadn't tried using kefir as a raising agent at that point but now I have and this is the result, bread leavened with just fermented milk: no baker's yeast, sourdough or other extra lift involved.
I just mixed some kefir (the liquid not the grains) with flour and a little honey, and put the mixture in the airing cupboard overnight. Next day it had turned into a spongy mass full of bubbles. I added water and more flour, kneaded the resulting dough, left it to rise in the tins for a couple of hours and then baked it. Hey presto - two lovely loaves!
So if you weren't convinced about magical properties of kefir before maybe this will change your mind. I have culture to spare!
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