Frou frou
Frilly petticoats? Tripe? The tumbled leaves of a book? What do they look like to you?
Mycena galericulata on a rotten log.
Useless information (I can't resist...)
The large genus of fungi known as Mycena was named after the ancient city of Mycenae in the Peloponnese. Which is said to have been so called because the Greek hero and demi-god, Perseus, fleeing after accidentally killing his grandfather, either dropped the top of his scabbard, or picked a mushroom - both known as mykes, meaning cap - at a spot where water flowed. The city was founded there.
And the specific name galericulata is also headware-related, from the Latin galea, a cap or helmet. It's hardly surprising to learn that in English these fungi are known as bonnet mushrooms - fragile and easily crushed underfoot.
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