Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Leicester Square

William and I had a day in London today. Carys spent the day at N&P's. There were delays on the trains, but we still arrived at the Leicester Square Theatre in plenty of time to watch Stickman. The show was very good and William thoroughly enjoyed it, joining in when necessary and wearing a big grin through out the proceedings.

While we were waiting for it to start I had said "William, would you like to go for lunch after this?", his reply? "Oh thank you, yes please." When I asked him where he would like to go I was relieved at his answer as I had already booked a table at Pizza Express.

After lunch we walked to The Transport Museum in Covent Garden, through Leicester Square. I had half a thought to let him have a ride on the fair, but the prices were more than twice that I paid in Hitchin, so I explained that to William and he reluctantly moved on.

We spent an hour or so in the Transport Museum, it was unsurprisingly busy, but as I have an annual ticket it didn't matter that we ran round a bit. From there we walked to Piccadilly, looking at the lights and the blue hen on the fourth plinth as we went. In Piccadilly we stopped for refreshment and I introduced the idea of William having a 'little operation' on Tuesday. He seemed to take it in his stride and now knows he won't be allowed to eat or drink on Tuesday until after the op, that he will have magic cream put on his hands and maybe his elbows and that he will go with Mummy into a room where the Doctors will send him to sleep and when he wakes up Mummy will be there and then he can eat and when the Doctor says we can go home. Not sure how much he will retain but I will keep talking about it from now on.

We than walked back to Leicester Square, caught the chimes on the Swiss clock (a first for me, at least in my memory) and back past the fair in the twilight. To William's credit he didn't ask if he could go on a ride, he asked if the rides were still as expensive and when I said yes, he said no more. He is learning.

Back home C came home from N&P's hyper. They have both had exciting days, they should both sleep. The plan is for an early morning swim tomorrow. I am yet to decide whether I drive to the pool or scoot them there. I think it will depend very much on the weather tomorrow morning and whether I can bear the thought of the walk home in the cold.

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