Learning day by day

By EmmaF


We left Hitchin at 07.45 and arrived in Whitley Bay at 11.45. After lunch Grandad went with us down to the beach. The tide was very high, but there was enough sand to build sandcastles. Daddy managed to break one of Grandad's spades, oops! Carys looked very grown up in her waterproof jacket and trousers. No more puddlesuits for her, she is too tall now.

Back to the house and a quick change later and we were on the metro to Newcastle to meet Uncle Richard and his family and to see the pantomime. Carys enjoyed the pantomime, but I would say that William loved it. Once he realised he was allowed to shout back, he did at every opportunity and as loud as he could. He clapped (not in time) spontaneously to every song and the only hitch we had was when cousin Jacob got to go on the stage as W wanted to go and dance on the stage too!

Late night for both kids, lets hope they sleep in.

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