
By scintilla

Haulin' Ass on the Susitna

This morning I went fishing with a friend who has a nice powerful riverboat. We went to the mouth of the Deshka river which is a clear water river that dumps into the glacier silt laden Susitna river. The salmon like to loiter at the mouth of the Deshka supposedly clearing out the silt from their gills before moving on to their spawning grounds. It's still hit or miss whether the fish are biting and today was a miss for me. Only one in our party caught a fish (a 24 lb king salmon). He was generous enough to share a filet off that fish that I plan to grill for dinner tonight. To add insult to injury to our mediocre catch, my host's boat bumped into another boat breaking a window on the cabin. The owner already has an estimate for repairs at $900. I think serious fishing has the capacity to be a more expensive endeavor than photography. They say a boat is a hole in the water you pour your money into.

I'm wondering if I'll be invited back. I think I'm a bad luck charm. The last time I went out with my friend, he forgot to reattach the drain plug of his boat before putting it in the water and almost sank it. Regardless, as they say, a sh**ty day fishing beats a good day at work.

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