
By Tryfan46

Not a good shot but the best of photographs!

All gathered around the Christmas table ready for lunch. Three generations sitting together - with the 4th generation upstairs asleep. Well that was the plan. One of that 4th generation decided that she wanted to be part of the meal too and played her part in a memorable Christmas dinner.

The day had started much earlier - at midnight - at the midnight service at Balerno Church - and very good it was too. Informal, friendly and well worth going out in the atrocious weather for. Before rertiring we enjoyed the first slice of Christmas cake. Very good it was too.

The morning was spend preparing for the big spread, the afternoon clearing up after the big spread, but we did find time to open the presents which turned the house into an interesting scene with babies crawling in amongst the piles of torn paper and ribbons.

Just after 7.30 Susan and I went for a walk in the dark - and were surprised to find buses running on Christmas Day. A good 3.5 mile blow prepared us for supper and a couple of hours in front of the TV before another Christmas day drew to a close.

I hope all you blippers had a great day, peace, happiness and contentment. We certainly did. My best wishes to you all for the rest of the holiday period and for the coming New Year. Good luck with the food and drink intake.

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