
By AlrightFlower

Someone get me a crane...

... so I can get up off the sofa!

Food (and alcohol in some cases, though not mine I hasten to add) started at 8.30 this morning with smoked salmon and scrambled eggs on a toasted croissant. It's now 11.30pm and we've just had chocolates and coffee.

In between times, we've probably polished off enough food and drink to nourish a small country - langoustine bisque, scallops with chorizo, lamb and every kind of vegetable under the sun (except sprouts woo hoo), Christmas pudding and a cheese board (some of which would make the world's smelliest farts almost flower-like by comparison). Red wine, white wine, prosecco, champagne, dessert wine, port and 'air brandy'. My brother has this machine where you just breathe in the fumes - a little of the taste with none of the calories (not that calories have been a consideration today)! We tend to have a 2-3 hour break between courses which, with so much, is pretty much a necessity! And the less said about the bottle recycle bin the better, I suspect...

In between courses we've lazed around, reluctant to be torn away from our technology of choice for any length of time (be it mobile, tablet or desktop). I did take myself off for a walk this afternoon though (mainly to escape yet another Only Fool and Horses re-run if I'm being honest). It was a bit muddy - a distinct lack of footpaths round these parts - and the only life I saw on the hour long walk was this horse and his pals in a field. The other three were very frisky, galloping off all over the place, but he (she? I didn't look!) was very obliging for a minute.

Hope everyone has had a lovely day - however you've spent it, and whoever with.


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