Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

All I want for Christmas

Happy Christmas Blippers!!!

The boys were in bed early last night and Jeff was at work.
This morning when he got home we opened some presents and had breakfast in bed. Jeff got some sleep while I did some last minute tidying and slipped of to church.
When I got back the youngest was up and the other two put in an appearance soon after. There was present giving and hugs and smiles - lovely jubbly!!
I did the usual turkey dinner and Jeff got up to eat with us at about 4o'clock.

After dinner there were more presents and I was spoiled rotten.
A sewing machine, a tripod and a onsie were very well received.

Jeff was back off to work tonight and I have taken my time over the clearing up and watched all the TV programs that I had recorded.

It has been a very special and toptastic day :-))))))

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