Ornament Exchange

Every year on Christmas Eve my sisters, sister-in-laws and myself exchange a Christmas ornament. Over the years we have found some really unusual ones and it's always fun to see what someone else will choose for you. I have quite a collection now and each year when I hang them on my tree I remember who gave them to me.
This year, my sister Robyn did something very different for her ornament gifts for us.
During the hurricane last year a huge twin oak tree came down in my parents yard. It had been there the whole time we grew up in that house. It was quite a job to have it chopped up and taken away and it left a big opening in the yard. Anyway, my sister salvaged some slices of a big branch and painted on each one a picture of an owl. Each owl is different and on the back of the wood she had the image of the oak leaf. A small brass hook and a red ribbon completed the ornament. We each got to pick which owl we wanted for our gift. The best part is that we will all have a piece of that tree to keep as a memory. I thought it was a great idea and decided it would make a good blip.

We had a really nice evening at my sister Tami's with lots of good food and fun. It was nice to see everyone and catch up. Tomorrow morning with be spent at home and then later in the date we will be going to visit my Uncles, Aunts and cousins. A very Merry Christmas to everyone!

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