Framing the Fort

By TheHairyCoo

"Daddy! I *knew* you'd come!"

The title was Master Geek's response to my much-earlier-than-anticipated arrival back at my in-law's new home.

You see, I was here at the weekend; we aren't at home because we're moving, and we had one of those "Oh @∞$#! Only half of what we need to take fits in the one car" moments. So I took my car with the rest of the stuff and some more besides, despite having to work the 23rd and of the problems with working out your notice at a popular time for holidays is most people have already booked their holidays so, through no-one's fault, I couldn't use the leave I'd been saving at the end of my notice period.

This meant I was working until 5pm at one side of Scotland on Christmas Eve, with my family waiting for me at the other. It seemed unlikely I'd see the Geeklets before bed, and we'd told them that.

But then, an unexpected boon: I discovered I had to do a visit deep in Aberdeenshire; I worked through lunch, left just after 2, finished at hour further West than I would otherwise have done. And, as it would've taken over an hour to get back to the Hospital, I could start on my journey to the other side of the country. I arrived just after bath time, to rapturous reception from both kids...and I got to photograph this industrious scene.

I'm delighted to have been able to share in the excitement!

Merry Christmas to you all!

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