
By SMax


Today is my birthday and I am 50 and while this is somewhat of a shock to me, I suspect it is even more of a shock to my mum and dad to have a 50 year old son.

To celebrate, my daughter decorated this cake for me and this afternoon we have sat down with a cup of tea and a large slice of cake to watch 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'.

I also got some lovely cards, my favourite mint chocolates, hankies, shirts, a book about the 'Great Tapestry of Scotland', a voucher for a camera shop and a tamrac expedition 5x camera bag.

Up till now I have been using a camera bag that took the camera with kit lens attached and one other lens. While the smaller tamrac bag will stay as my day to day camera bag, I now have a bag that will allow me to take everything I want to take with me when I hopefully get the chance to get some serious picture taking in.

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