Off Centre

By RachelCarter

A Christmas card

Richard went off this morning to buy beer for the lads who live in the flat above the shop ( I say "lads" - one of them is older than me...). He took Tess with him because there was nothing going on here but my backache and she was a bit bored. When they came back Richard disappeared upstairs briefly before saying hello to me.
'Oh bugger,' I said to Tess, 'I hope he hasn't bought me a Christmas card. I haven't bought him one.'
'He has,' said Tess, smiling.

I wondered if I could photograph something and make Richard a card. Something very special to him.

So. Here it is. A Christmas card photo for my lovely husband. It has all the crucial elements for a seasonal personalised card. Richard has a very special relationship with the dishwasher. And I know the message will have him nodding and smiling.

Merry Christmas, Mr Carter.

I'm trying to think what else happened today. The scaffolding was taken down. The wind blew and blew (it is tremendously windy now), the rain fell. I struggled with my back again, but I got through a few last minute Christmas things and managed to clear the spare room. I've caught up with the washing - which is a lot easier with a washing machine that works and spins properly. I hadn't realised just how bad the old one was.

I hope I can get out tomorrow. Nine days of not moving properly means I've put on weight and all my clothes are tight. Poo.

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