Family of three.

By livingbythesea

The 10th Reindeer?

The look on Archies face says it all.... "what the hell is she doing to me now?"

Woke very very late this morning after a fantastic very funny night out last night. Haven't had a giggle out like that in a long time. Luckily no hangover this morning for either of us so once we could be bothered to get up we headed over to Sidmouth. We had a wander round the shops that were open and I chose and bought my new outfit for Christmas day. We stopped for coffee and a snack and of course chatted lots as usual. It really was a lovely relaxing day and a wonderful weekend.

My gorgeous twins were home early evening and we had lovely cuddles and catch ups on what we had been up to whilst apart. We then snuggled down for a Wallace and Gromit before another Christmas story (we have had one every night they are here since dec 1st) and a sing a long Christmas song before bed. Twelve days of Christmas is by far our favourite. I think I will have to record it as we all love it and have such a giggle.

*please note that the antlers are hair slides that are on Archies collar and not his fur!

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