
By MerrilHope

Essex Girl

After a morning spent wrapping Christmas presents, this afternoon I went (by myself) into the town centre's High St, amazed to find every shop open, including the "Nail Bar" where I embarked in "operation rejuvenation" (or should it be "renovation" ?!!) and had a full set of acrylic nails with French manicure - something I have never done before - and not even sure why I have done it now !! Just for a bit of fun for Christmas really - I had some vague idea of looking chic for Christmas Day. Well, something like that. (Must say that as I type this all I can hear is clickety-clack of acrylic on plastic!)

After this extraordinary process of chasing elegance, I then ventured into the High St, grateful for the dusk, absolutely convinced that everyone must be looking at me with my glowing white nails shining like beacons in the fading light ....! Quick burst of solo shopping (the most productive kind) included a pair of shoes for school and a bag of Christmas treats for the kids. Bitterly cold by 5pm, grateful for Dad-the-Chauffeur who drove into town to bring me home. Ah, where would a girl be without her Dad?

Back home and we have had a bit of a chuckle cos with these ultra long incandescently white tipped talons, I do temporarily kinda fit at least part of the profile of "Essex Girl" - which of course, I once was in a literal sense - with or without the manicure. You know. Like. Whatever.

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