Life through the lens...

By ValC

Hole in the wall

Not the usual ones that will be used to excess this Christmas, but a dry stone wall above Wharfedale.

Just back from our next to the last walk of 2013.
From Burley-in-Whatfedale railway station, Moor Lane, Scalebor Park, Cow and Calf rocks, and back over the moors to Burley.
( 7 miles)
The weather was colder today, but sunny. Then just before we got back to the car we could see storm clouds, and as we opened the car door, it started raining, sleeting and hailing!!
How lucky was that!
We then all went back to Lyndi's for mince pies and mulled wine.
What a lovely end to a great walk.
Wonderful views from the moors, looking down over Ilkley and the Wharfe valley.

I took this photo as we were coming back down from the moor.
Nearly blipped a golfer in checked shorts and a Christmas pudding hat, but will put that on my blip folio!

Now having more mince pies and a cup of tea!

I hope you have all had a good weekend too.

( We enjoyed Strictly last night. Will miss it on Saturday Nights now!)

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