Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Big Steps

Was awake early and with two things left to do I fought through my instincts to stay on the sofa and braved the supermarket and the final shop. Was home within the hour.
Today is the last day until Friday where I get to spend it alone and with nothing planned. I am staying with Mum Tues-Fri. (Every time I think of that I cry, don’t know how I am going to get through it). I was in the mood for a walk so headed along the beach for a brisk walk, which ended up as a doddle.

Tonight is my works night out which I am missing out on :(

I’m sorry if I don’t comment much on your journals over the next wee while, I will still be looking though. I am finding it hard to read such happy times others are having.

Last night was another long upsetting one, needed to take a beta blocker and a sleeping tablet to get to sleep. I need to work out how to cope with the nights.

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