feet well travelled

By feettravelled


Today's been a quite one.
I woke up with an awful sense of emptiness and loneliness for the person I miss.
He doesn't know the pain I'm in, caused by my own actions.
And today I heard him for the first time in a long time.
I longed to tell him what I really thought but had to bite my tongue and keep my thoughts to myself.
I had to help him out with something and the memories just came back, of days gone by, challenges gone by.

These are the pretty lights that adorn my bedroom wall.... Each with picture pinned to them if happy days and faces. I'm glad for the twinkling light this adds to my room. It makes me happy.

I keep praying that light will fill my life again... I feel sad and don't like a sad Alison. My face hasn't smiled properly in a while and it's not nice. I want my zeal back and that's what I keep praying for!

The day been a slow one. Things took too long and I haven't been very productive. My brain couldn't stop remembering things and my eyes kept leaking. However, I did manage to apply for two exciting jobs that are in Africa! That made me excited!!

'In my heart I plan my course, but the Lord determines my steps'

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