A Skating Penguin
Da day dawned damp, dank, dreary, drizzling, and dismal. You have to be careful, 'cause a day like this can suck da life right outta ya.
I was determined not to let it. A morning walk was scheduled with Naturelover. We had already agreed that we wouldn't go if it was raining. Walk cancelled.
I resorted to an indoor walk. Round and round a church gymnasium...dodging the chairs and tables that were set up for a program. Boring...but dry and toasty indoors.
Last week when we went to Florida, we missed the Jinglefest they had in our city. As I left my walking spot...I noticed that there was one block of ice in front of the church that didn't get carved. I fired up the small chain saw that I ALWAYS have in my car.
What to make...what to make? Remembering the old Chilly Willy cartoons...how about a smiling skating penguin to brighten up the day? VOILA! I wasn't happy with the shape of the beak, probably made the ball on the end of the hat too small, and I decided against putting the smile in...but overall...not too shabby.
Carving Chilly Willy...
might have been real silly.
But when you have ice skillys...
it always is a thrilly.
Believe what you may...but it was a dreary day.
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