
A wild night - torrential rain, hail, floods, gales, thunder, lightening - I slept through the last two having had a pretty wild time at the Ladies' Book club. The books got a small look in but the main conversation was about dogs (loud and daft in my opinion) meringues (incredible); Battle of Hastings (not sure how that slipped in), gardens ( a lot of work) and spaying cats (essential).
Elsewhere a mini hurricane ripped the roof off the station in Cork City - incredibly luckily a train had just moved out otherwise there could have been horrendous casualties. 15000 homes are without electricity and up country ie Donegal and Sligo are getting a serious hammering.

Himself went off to a festive luncheon, hurrumphing a bit, and I zoomed into Bantry for last essentials. The weather was still wild and I was amazed to see snow on the hills. Here you can see something ferocious sweeping over the Beara Peninsula. Can you see the specs of the little white houses under that swathe of weather?

Back home and a few frantic texts from son#2 who has just realised it's Christmas and what would people like? Pressies wrapped, cards put up and Festive Joy essential oil infusing - we're getting there.

Himself has just come in and offered expertise re Lightroom so a quick lesson in graduated filters, hues, clarity etc has ensued. He wanted a credit!

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