Storm Clouds Cometh

Amber weather warnings, wind, rain, snow all forecast for the next 24 hours, it is a horrid thought. The wind and rain has hit with a vengeance gone the mildness of the past few days replaced with a biting cold that chills to the very soul of a man.

The rain is streaming down the windows tonight, although with the wind it is actually passing horizontally so you get the picture!!! Today has been a quiet day, it does not feel at all christmasy, although I never do, I am not a fan of the festive season but even the twins are not feeling it this year but are glad to be finishing school for a few weeks!!!!

I hope you enjoy the shot today, I hope wherever you are you are safe, warm, sheltered from the storm, For my friend travelling in these wee small hours, may the road rise up to meet you, God speed and be safe....

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