A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Exhausting day.

Early morning webinar which could probably best be described as organised chaos. Another 'opportunity' to pioneer new technology. It will be great but the introduction of new stuff like that is rarely smooth and today was not rare. Could have been a lot worse though and we certainly had plenty of 'learning opportunities'. Which did mean a debrief which was as long as the webinar itself.

Bumped back into local world by mad dash to supermarket and then to school for some just in time delivery of party supplies as I somehow managed to drop the ball on making a contribution. Optimistically squeezed in collecting a parcel from the post office before a Pilates class. Met up with friend who left her glasses at our house last night. Bought final niece's Christmas present.

All before 12.30pm and on no food. Soon put that right but the afternoon was never going to come close to as productive.

Some more work before stopping early for school pick-up. Spanish lessons, tea, laundry and collapsing seemed to take up the rest of the day. Oh, and making Dymo labels. I may well regret introducing the kids to these but for now this can stay on the telly as I am curious as to how long it will take Carl to notice. To be fair, he is at his works' do tonight and my work do tomorrow so it not be before the weekend.

Lesley x

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