Bubble Girl

Miss E has discovered the jacuzzi bath in our bathroom. We may never get her out!
Not intending to turn the jets on I had put loads of bubble bath in it for her - the bubbles ended up nearly at the ceiling!!
Another lovely day today. Early to the pool for a couple of hours where we met up with Miss E's school friend Miss H and her family. They're in a villa opposite ours!
After a quick trip back to the villa for lunch we headed to the bowling alley with them for an hour of ten pin bowling.
Miss L won!!
The grown ups were pretty rubbish on the whole!!
Tonight's fireworks have been postponed due to the howling gales that are currently whistling round.
So it's potato skins, chips and dips, olives, beer, The Great Train Robbery and bed.
It's exhausting all this holidaying!!

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