Long day!

Up at 7am, gave no1 son a lift to get to his work then fired on up to Oban. Spent the day with ankle snappers, did a short visit then came home. For once the weather in Oban wasn't too bad but oh my God the way home was a trial of endurance! Battering rain, floods fierce winds and it got even worse when I reached home. At the moment the wind is battering off the front of the house, I'm thinking its a sou easterly and its a real humdinger, the worst Iv'e experienced since we came here almost 12 years ago!
Feel sorry for poor no1 son, while he was struggling to get part time work in the local hotel and been paid off by another, he managed to get work tree planting of all things! He starts about 7.30 and works all day in the most foul weather. Tonight he got home the back of 4pm and was back out to work in the bar again at 6pm til 1am then he will be up again at 7am! Poor bugger! Still he doesn't complain but I do feel for him!
Macaroni & Cheese tonight, quick & easy
Stay safe eveyone

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