Bye bey shed!

It was meant to be MY shed! filled with only MY stuff!
For the past month I have been psyching myself up to clear this bloody shed out! Why? because half nae three quarters of its contents did not belong to me!
There was no enthusiasm from himself to clean it (probably cause he knows how I chuck stuff out) Well he was right! There was an entire car load of junk, two useless computer monitors, one gas heater, one microwave,none of that belonged to me I don't even remember putting that junk there so it must have snuk in under the cover of darkness!
At first he offered to help (Donald speak for watch what I was chucking out) however after a while he gave up when all he heard was "that can go" in every sentence!
Finally I got to the back of the shed where my stuff was, most of it old work papers which I wanted to sling along with loads of other junk. I ended up keeping about four boxes which I propose to stow in the drier loft. (speaking of which that is next in my sights for clearing oot)
I have never seen so many woodlice, they were sitting in massive huddles and as for the spiders!! they were as big as the palm of my hand, I did well to carry on with my task after seeing all of them!
By way of reward, I generously gave himself the bloody shed seeing as his own is also heaving under junk (I thought I heard him utter he would clean his own out, put a new floor in what was mine and transfer some stuff!! (the word transfer worries me a little)
Anyhow I feel a whole lot better having done all that.
Pictures to go with my tale, the gallon canister would you beleive is full of Lourdes Water! That made me laugh! Miracles can happen!

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