From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Ruined again by eighty little men!

I will explain, honestly! I had a weird dream last night about running through the forest in my long, flowing nightgown with bare feet being chased by a wolf. That is wrong on a couple of counts. Firstly, I haven't got a nightgown so it would have to be silky pyjamas and secondly, you wouldn't catch me running anywhere in bare feet! You could step in all sorts in the dark! I'm not completely daft! Anyway, the wolf caught my right foot and wouldn't let go. I woke with a jolt and massive foot cramp and had to leap out of bed with a yell to dance around the room. Glancing at my radio, I could see it was only 3am!

Getting up and dancing around is all you can do really. I put it down to eating loads of rubbish yesterday during the day and eating fish and chips from the chippy for dinner. I know that's bad for a Monday. No wonder I was crippled in the night. I was able to get back into bed after half a bottle of fizzy water. My foot felt better but drinking a load of water is never a great idea and I had to get up twenty minutes later bursting for the loo! Bloody marvellous. Old age is such a joy..

Oh well. I was glad when I did get out of the shower a little later as I was able to catch the moon shining through the kitchen window. I had no need to put the light on at first as it was so bright. I didn't go outside. I trod in fox s**t last time I went out at that time taking moon pictures. It was good to get that sorted so early. Thank you, foot cramp!

It was a pretty normal Tuesday apart from that. Tesco Man came soon after 10am. That's when the trouble really occurred. Angie AKA Madonskis had posted a picture of some McVitie's chocolate gingerbread men on Twitter last week and raved about how nice they were so I ordered two boxes. What a terrible idea that was! It fills me with total sadness and regret to inform you that two boxes of very tiny little men (about 80 of the little fellows with their disarming smiles) sort of disappeared! You know how it is, you eat one and then the others all follow one by one into the dark cavern to vanish forever.. I'm so ashamed!!!

Track? Now for something completely different! I was quite excited to discover this band - Gov't Mule - completely by accident at the weekend when twiddling with my kitchen radio. It's a bit like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Tinsley Ellis and ZZ Top combined. I liked it anyway. See what you think - Railroad Boy

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