Winter Sun

I took a half day today, I needed not to be in that place, I needed a little time to myself, I left the office and collected an order in the city before heading home. There was a break in the weather the sun fresh the mildness belying the storms that have beset us in recent days.

I set my things out for my evening out, wallet, car keys, ipod headphones and the ticket. I was off to see Black Sabbath. Not everyone's cup of brown but one of the first bands I remember listening too and playing along to when I taught myself to play bass then guitar. I was going alone, for so many years Kevin and I had shared gigs but as some of you know I lost my friend earlier in the year, I think of him often and fondly and so it was today, thinking of our favourite Sabbath tracks, arguing over best songs, albums, line-ups, not today, not again!!

I slept for a while in the afternoon, a sore head, not ideal preparation for a heavy metal gig. I wended my way to the venue, mingled with the gathering crowd, trying not to look too much like Norman No-mates but failing miserably. I was not really expecting much, Ozzy's voice was failing according to reviews I had read, I was however pleasantly surprised, much better than I anticipated, not the powerhouse I remembered having seen him many times in the past but still all bar a few songs able to deliver to the congregation who worshipped at the alter of metal this evening. As I waited my friend kept me company as we exchanged some texts. Their name appearing makes my spirit jump and I know I wont be lonely for they fulfil me, bouy my mood and inspire me to be a better man and for that I thank them.

The shot taken at the bottom of our little lane, the grass, battered and broken, flattened by the wind of the recent days but the sinking winter sun setting them off fleetingly before it was gone was beautiful within minutes the horizon swallowed her.

I hope you enjoy the shot, tomorrow storm force winds and blizzard conditions, so we batted down the hatches once more

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