Jack's 3rd Birthday

A sad morning as I had the dawning realisation that my lovely long pram walks are over. I took Audrey in the pram through the nature reserve and up to Chorlton Water Park and it just about killed me. I hadn't accounted on her being so heavy to push now she's grown! A 40 min walk there took over an hour and I felt dizzy with exhaustion when I got there.

Got back and haven't stopped eating. Even had to have a nap!

This afternoon was Jack's 3rd birthday party at The Lead Station and it was brilliant. His Mum Tess had gone to so much effort. There was a violinist to perform nursery rhymes, a special tea party and Peppa Pig theming everywhere. Audrey loved it.

Angus was quite shocked to see her being so outgoing (as I suppose he hasn't been in so many social situations with her). She danced to the nursery rhymes in the middle of the room, clapping her hands and running around excitedly. She was beyond cute.

We had a lovely time and even managed snatches of adult conversation, wine and buffet! Always a bonus!

We're all very tired this evening though. Can't believe it's Monday tomorrow! Where did that weekend go???

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