
By LadyPride

Herculean Saturday

Felt Herculean today on account of my husband getting up with Audrey in the night, my 2 hour lie in and a morning to myself. Just wonderful.

Had a binge shop online the other night for some new clothes and my order arrived today. The plan was to order lots, try it on at home and send back two-thirds of it using the free returns policy. The only problem being I liked too much of it and only a third is going back. My bank balance is somewhat lighter as a result. But I do have some lovely new things to wear which always brings a smile to my face!

Had lots of people dropping by today. I love Saturdays like that, the house is full of discarded cups of tea and shoes left at the door. Everyone who visited seemed to get stuck in the crazy Chorlton traffic today though - roadworks and match day brought our suburb to a standstill!

Spent the afternoon with Audrey and my sister Laura (the picture was taken of the ice cream van where we bought some very unseasonal cones for our pram walk - a salted caramel and peanut butter ice cream cone for me and apple crumble one for her!)

Audrey is on some mighty feeding and sleeping frenzy so it was difficult to give Laura her normal Auntie playtime and cuddle quota. She's clearly going through some massive growth spurt!
Had to bath her early again as the poor wee thing was yawning (despite 4 naps today) from 5.30pm onwards too.

Now that the X Factor shackles are off, my husband and I are looking forward to a night with a movie. We've in the process of making homemade pizzas as I type this.

I do love my new simple home life. It's hard to tempt me out these days!

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