Keeper of the fire...
He fed and tended the fire all afternoon, and in the end became one with it.
Alex has always had a fascination with fire, and for a short while in his pre-teen years we wondered whether he was a budding pyromaniac. Many an evening was spent lighting small fires in the garden with his friends, but we tolerated this and taught him to be safe. This strategy paid off, and while his love of fire hasn't abated, it's used positively as a part of conservation management, to dispose of the brash from scrub clearance.
Pete and I joined him for the last conservation session of the year at Orton Pit, and celebrated the season with baked potates roasted in the ashes, toasted marshmallows, chocolate brownies and sloe gin. Despite the fact that I've had an irritating cold for the last couple of days, it was good to get out and exercise my muscles!
I've missed the last couple of days of blips. On Thursday I gave a talk to our local Wildlife Group, and yesterday I just felt too poorly to go out and find a photograph. But Alex and I chatted with Chris and Lizzy on Skype - they're now in Bangkok, which they're thoroughly enjoying and will be heading to a wildlife reserve in a couple of days, before travelling to one of the islands for Christmas and New Year. I must admit to being a bit envious of all their experiences and photo-opportunities, though I'm not sure I'd survive temperatures above 30C and over 100% humidity!
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