Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The first day of the holidays

Actually Luke and Adam broke up on Thursday but Thomas only broke up yesterday, and I only fetched Luke from the uni interviews this is like the first real day of the school holidays. The brothers were happy to all be together, chilling, playing pool and relaxing after a long and tiring term. They are all exhausted and looking forward to relaxing over the holidays.

We finally got our Christmas tree today. Every year we have the debate as to whether we should have a real one, or an artificial one. I support the latter option as I feel it is a waste to grow and then chop down a tree just for a few weeks for Christmas. However, every year I am outvoted so a real tree is bought and I spend the next few weeks hoovering up those pine needles that should not be falling if you are to believe the garden centre where we get it from. I will finally get around to decorating it tomorrow, which of course will be photographed at some stage.

I really enjoyed listening to this video - in fact those beautiful voices brought tears to my eyes. This was filmed at a supermarket not far from where I used to live in Johannesburg. Watch it here.

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