Tree of Angels

Had my haircut then met Clare and Sarah at All Saints to decorate our Brownie Christmas Tree for the Tree Festival. It looks marvellous as ever!

Into town for a bit of shopping and bumped into Christine so went for a cuppa and a catch up. Then met MrRoly for coffee and a Choaks to gird our loins for the last of the wrapping!

Had a nose around the portakabins at school after collecting children and Wonky Rabbit. We have likened it to 'A Squash and A Squeeze' to try and make the staff feel better about the much smaller space available. Fingers crossed the building work is all done by September as planned!

Tea at The Wheelhouse with MrRoly's ex work colleagues AND the WaGs - we are not usually allowed to go but this was their 'Christmas Do'. The food was splendid, the company even better.

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