Life through the lens...

By ValC

Wesley Bobs

An old Yorkshire dialect term for Christmas tree decorations.
My Mum used to call them this sometimes.

These are a selection of some of the ones on our tree. Collected over many years.
There is a small clear glass one which my mum had on her tree over 100 years ago!
Also a Chinese lantern again my mums. It was part of a set of tree lights. That is over 80 years old.
A little elf, made by my Aunt, about 40 years old.
A rabbit and dog bought for the boys when they were little.
The Santa egg made about 35 years ago my son A, at junior school.
A trumpet, again my mums.
Little heart which is fairly new.
And last but not least this years new one. Bought in Paris just over a week ago.
Bet you can spot that one!

I have almost finished decorating the house now.
Unfortunately half the set of icicle lights which go over the fire place have decide not to light up, so will have to see if I can buy some new ones.

Tomorrow we are going with friends to the Dickensian Christmas Fayre in Grassington.
Hope the weather stays fine, and we can find somewhere to park!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

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