
Nah! Not me.

Well there are skittles all over the floor and Pelly has had a lick of most of them. I have dropped them over and over and it has taken many attempts before I managed to capture thirteen skittles in one shot.

I went to the Trafford Centre and bought Ellen's birthday present, it was really busy and I had to park miles away. Of course it was raining when I came out and I was soaked by the time I reached the car...grrr.

I don't know whether to look at friday 13th as a good day or a bad day for me. As of today I am officially unemployed as they have made me redundant. So on the one hand it is great to be out of that place but on the other it is a difficult time ahead.

Oh well, I had better go and clear up all the sweets that are scattered around the carpet.

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