The right book group.... not
I'm in a book group. There are several such groups in our village but our book group is special. It is described by us as 'not the right book group' after a conversation between one of our new members and someone else in our village who, on hearing that our friend had joined a book group asked "Which one did you join? Oh I hope it was the right one." (It wasn't - it was ours.)
We drink wine, and had to change our meetings from a Wednesday to a Friday night because Thursdays were just becoming a mess. We often don't talk about the book. We always eat too much chocolate. Sometimes we're not home before 11pm. Shocking.
Tonight our meeting happily coincided with a birthday - hence the cake. I'm hoping no-one will notice the deliberate mistake, which is obviously an ironic gesture given our reputation for being the opposite of learned (and nothing to do with someone having taken one of the 'p's out of my candle bag).
We ate way too much curry and had two puddings. I think someone mentioned a book in passing. Maybe.
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