Here lies Fizzy, Queen of Cats
A sad day. We reached the moment when we both knew we had to make that last decision and we both felt so sad. This feisty little creature had shared our lives for fifteen years.
She was renowned for her grumpy intolerance, she terrorised dogs and visiting children and would happily bite anyone who dared be too familiar with her. She thought that everything in her world was there just for her, every clean towel, every warm bed, every bowl of cereal.
She ruled the roost and her regal attitude earned her the nickname the girl gave her long ago. Through the teenage years she loved the parties and the gettogethers and would sit on the mantelshelf benignly watching over her minions, or would curl up daintily and doze on the speakers.
Lately she's been more demanding than usual, a constant presence, and we are so going to miss her.
Here she is in better days.
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