A School with a View

I called in at the Christmas Fair at the school near our house. It's the first time I've been inside since I worked with them a few years ago now, even though I walk past it all the time on the way to my patch. It's in an amazing location and is probably the most rural school in the city. Like pretty much all the secondary schools in Sheffield it has had a building programme over the last few years and has some shiny new buildings. It was the first time I'd seen this beautiful sculpture outside the school entrance. It's a pity about the red netting, but I think this is to protect a newly planted hedge. Regardless of this. the view across to the other side of the valley is pretty spectacular. I hope those kids realise how lucky they are!
The valley in question is that of the Upper Don. There's already been quite a bit of interest in my suggestion for a One River project. Like me, some blippers have been documenting their local river on a regular basis already, so the oneriver tag is just a way of joining them all together.

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