Little Boxes

Little boxes
On the table
Little boxes made of ticky tacky various woods.

I left the house in overcast weather and as I crossed the hills on the way to Linlithgow the fog rolled in.
So I stopped to get a shot or two of it.
The temperature was - according to the car - 4C. But when I got out of the car I nearly went my length.
The entire road was covered in some serious ice.
Down in the town it was just wet.
I liked the colours and textures on the road up to the palace.

The numbers coming through the door to the craft fair weren't as high as usual - but I think that meant those who did didn't feel pressured to move around because they were spending money at a very healthy rate.

I had a good day.

Now it is time to relax, put my feet up and have a beer.

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