Crap Day

Headache and feeling like crap.
Back feeling like I have been stabbed.
Child seat in the car giving all sorts of problems (twice having to remove it).
Car now has fist sized dent above rear door.

Squirrel showing how loud she can scream for extended periods of time whilst in said car seat.
Cygnet trying to make it a competition.
Ignorance and arrogance coming to the fore from drivers and shoppers who seem to think the world will end if they don't get there and buy everything NOW.

I still have to get everything organised for tomorrows craft fair.

Please come and cheer me up tomorrow ............. Linlithgow Masonic Lodge - in the Market Square (next to the Palace), 10.30am -4.30pm.
Everything in the Fair is handmade (not bought cheap and sold on at huge profit).
Great presents/keepsakes/gifts etc.

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